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Un récif corallien récemment découvert à Tahiti ressemble à un jardin de roses géant. © Alexis Rosenfeld

An important coral found in Tahiti

A giant coral reef similar to the giant rose garden has been found in Tahiti. Its location and state of health intrigues researchers and offers new perspectives on coral conservation.

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Despite Lockdown, the Schmidt Institute for the Ocean continued its expeditions to the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. Scientists have discovered 10 new species of fish, sea snails or sponges and creatures never seen before, including deep coral reefs in eastern Australian waters.

Ecosystems Deep sea floor They are not yet widely known because they are difficult to access. However, researchers have shown that ecosystems close to the surface have not yet been observed. One Thus the coral was discovered in November 2021 Tahiti off during a science dive.

The Stretches over three kilometers And a maximum height of about 70 meters. This rock is mostly made of theseSpecies Boritz Russ Another race at depths of 35 and 45 meters, Pachyceris speciosa It emerges from a depth of 50 meters and dominates some parts of the rocks.

Samples were taken from newly discovered rocks to carry out laboratory analyzes.  © Alexis Rosenfeld

Extraordinary depth and protected rock

The Corals According to scientists, these large rocks have a specific shape. However, the other two aspects of this rock are of particular interest to researchers. First, these coral reefs are located in the lower reaches of the ocean Light From soleil Slightly permeable, which makes their presence surprising due to their association with photosynthetic microalgae.

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These coral reefs are located in the lower reaches of the ocean, where little or no sunlight penetrates

This discovery opens up the possibility of new in-depth studies to discover such corals. The second feature looks like rock Must be in very good health And should not be a victimBleaching chapter In the area of ​​2019, this may be due to its extraordinary depth. This observation will encourage future security measures.

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