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AMD is pleased with how the missile was handled –

The AMD CEO, Lisa Su, participated remotely in a question and answer session after CES 2021, and spoke about Sony Interactive Entertainment and Microsoft’s next generation consoles. Su explained that he had a lot Satisfaction with how the output was handled: Certainly did not release exact figures, but pointed out that millions of units had been produced on all three consoles, PS5, Xbox Series XE Xbox Series S..

Here are the words of AMD CEO in translation: “We are very pleased with how the PS5 and Xbox Series X introductions went. You should hear Sony and Microsoft talking separately Release volume and results obtained From products. In our view, if you think about it, you are even counting the new hardware that has been produced – millions of units for both consoles, or all three if you want – and the need to send all, Everything was done in a great way. ”

We found out later The demand is higher than expected: We are trying to produce more to solve. However, we are very pleased with the introductions and the partnership with both Sony and Microsoft. They have different strategies, but we are happy with our relationship with both parties. ”

Both Sony and Microsoft did not give numbers, but said they did Chain to register. However, the PS5 and Xbox Series X | S supply remains limited and players are not happy with having to wait months and months to get their hands on it.

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However, even in the PC sector the situation is no different: the shortage of Nvidia and AMD GPUs will at least continue until April 2021.