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All Amazon Prime users need the new Android app

All Amazon Prime users need the new Android app

The new Android app that iOS users have to wait for is now available. Amazon Prime customers in particular will want the best app.

Android users can expect this, iOS fans have to be patient for a while. There is a new Android app to download that streaming fans have been waiting for a long time. We are talking “WhatsOnPrime?“Looks familiar? Of course, it comes from the same makers known for the popular WhatsAppflix program application, and it’s made for all Amazon Prime customers who want a better overview.

Android application WhatsOnPrime? Amazon Prime protects users from confusion

As a user of the Amazon Prime streaming service, you know the problem. You want to keep an eye on the provider’s constantly changing program, with all its new releases, outdated titles and other highlights. But the homepage of the site does not give you enough perspective and information that is most relevant to you. Is recovery now approaching in the form of the new Android app WhatsOnPrime? It is not yet available for iOS devices in the first phase.

Like WhatsOnFlix? Does WhatsOnPrime work on Netflix? And Amazon Prime. Not only will the German developers behind the two products be identical, but the functionality of the two Android apps will also be identical. WhatsApp Prime which shows what streaming movies and series are currently available on Amazon Prime?

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Can WhatsOnPrime do all this?

Recently released Android application WhatsOnPrime? Things that are new and out of date will be shown to you quickly and clearly. So he focuses on all the topics included in the Amazon Prime subscription. It also includes a search and integration of user ratings from the Internet Movie Database (IMDB) so that one can see at a glance how well the respective title is known.

The application is free, and the premium application starts with a one-time fee of 3. 3.49. You will no longer see any ads and you will get additional functions like search mentioned above. If you carry a short promotional video, you can also perform an hour-long search.

New WhatsOnPrime? All aspects of the application at a glance

  • Access to information on the Amazon Prime video streaming list for Germany
  • Additional editorial news about the series and movies on Amazon Prime Video
  • Daily list of all restarts and expired content
  • The application is entirely in German
  • Enable Bush announcements for highlights
  • Integration of IMDb and TMDb data
  • Amazon Prime Video Search Function

Can you make WhatsOnPrime here? Download Tamil

Can Amazon Prime users and other interested parties currently download the new WhatsApp Prime? In the Google Play Store Download Tamil. However, only the open beta version is currently available. Unfortunately, iOS users still do not have access to the closed beta version.

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Amazon Prime currently offers 31 free PC games to its customers. But there is one thing that Amazon wants to ban its prime users in the future.

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