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After poisoning a partner: Berliner sentenced to more than 10 years in prison for attempted murder - Berlin

After poisoning a partner: Berliner sentenced to more than 10 years in prison for attempted murder – Berlin

The 55-year-old has been charged with attempted murder and causing dangerous physical harm after poisoning his ex-partner. The Berlin District Court on Monday sentenced the woman to ten years in prison. Since June 2017, initially he has been giving his partner small amounts of highly toxic heavy metal thallium.

A year after the split, the 48-year-old mixed a dangerous dose of thallium sulfate in a bubble in a drink.

In the first case in 2017, the judge said the woman was “crazy about maintaining the relationship at all costs, including the man’s health expenses.” “She saw the man suffer for seven and a half weeks.” There was muscle paralysis, severe pain, hair loss and weight loss. “Irreversible nerve damage has occurred.”

The court said the German defendant then provided information to doctors about thallium poisoning. The 48-year-old took good care of herself and said, “He never thought she might have caused the problem.” However, in June 2019, there was a new division.

The court said the 55-year-old ex-boyfriend was ordered to go to a pub on July 14, 2020 by a mercenary man. She insidiously mixed at least 2.5 grams of thallium sulphate with the 48-year-old in the drink ordered for him – “You may have been killed three times with him”. Luckily he did not empty the glass completely.

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The woman admitted the second attack. However, he did not want to kill the man, but wanted to “get it back” for himself, he explained. “I wanted him to get sick and I wanted to be his savior.”

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The prosecution had sought a life sentence for attempted murder and dangerous bodily harm. Prosecutors argued for acquittal in the first case and suspended sentence for causing serious physical harm in the second case. The verdict is not yet legally binding. (dpa)