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Legault invite les Québécois à télécharger l’application VaxiCode

Legault invites cubes to download the VaxiCode application

COVID-19. As the immunization passport expires (1Er September), Prime Minister Franois LeCall invites Cubs to download the VaxiCode application, which will be available from today.

Currently only available on Apple devices, the mobile app will soon be compatible with the Android system.

This will allow you to register your source for the Govt-19 vaccine and make it easier to enter some public places, which will require a double vaccination starting next month.

Before downloading the VaxiCode application, you must first confirm that you have uploaded proof of vaccination against the QR code.

“Take your two doses, then get your code. It’s necessary to go back to a little more normal life,” Mr. Legalt began this afternoon during a brief press conference.

“77% of Cubs aged 12 and over have received their two doses,” the prime minister said.

The latter employers themselves have refused to come forward about the possibility of their employees applying for the passport vaccine. “Public health recommends relying on telecommunications (at least until October). But for those who need to return to confirm the effectiveness of their business, it is up to the employer to determine how it works,” Fran பிரான்ois Lecold suggested at another – more detailed – press conference tomorrow.

To find out where and where the vaccine passport is required from September 1, Click here.

See also  Christmas Self Certificate: Download Travel Form [VIDEO]