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The Metawares tablet is hard for many internet users to swallow

The Metawares tablet is hard for many internet users to swallow

Before our eyes, the screens follow each other throughout the day, taking the place of “real life” social interactions … Govit-19You do not have to write science fiction to imagine a world where technology is king. But when the boss
Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, announced his intention to become his own company.
Metawares », With the intent to inject
More and more digital in our everyday experiences, It’s for movies and books
Many web users Have thought.

“The Guinea pig And Ready player one Then it becomes realistic, Christoph explains. However, when we see people on the street immersed in their phones to the point where they cannot be seen by others, it sometimes seems to us that they are already in another universe that ignores others. “For Jean-Luc, it’s a question of rushing us into the” Matrix “, as the 1999 film refers to. The Matrix, In which the hero, Neo, discovers that his reality is an illusion fitted by robots.

Are we still human?

For his part, Luke is surprised that “Orwell is not going back to his grave,” meanwhile, announcing that he is “quickly returning to his forest.” In the book by George Orwell 1984, Dictatorial society suppresses the possibility of exchange between individuals. “Personally, I fear that all of this will alienate us from our reality in terms of humanity,” says Pamela. I am not surprised to see this new world. “

This danger to our “humanity” is the main criticism generated by Internet users: “Prison shows us the importance of real social relationships and physical contact for human well-being,” Martin recalled. Interested in metawares. A combined view of Romain condemning the “new craze for digital giants”.

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“Colorful Worlds During Gray and Cold”

“I am not against technology, but against the way it is exploited by Kafam [les grandes entreprises du secteur] Siri is worried for his part. He also mentions a ready player about these metawares that are run by big companies with only the word ‘money’ in mind. Hugo, for his part, is not afraid to “incarnate” but condemns the wastage of resources: “These people should (or should) be helped instead of developing technologies that will help people live decently.” Planet. ⁇

Attention, Metawares also has its protectors, for whom technologies do not alienate us from each other, on the contrary: “These virtual worlds are at once an escape and opening to the real world, thus describes Naoki. When it is gray and cold, the colorful worlds are at our disposal. When you feel lonely , Thousands of people from all walks of life play, talk, share and learn.This does not stop this reader from worrying about Facebook’s “tracking our actions” and data capture.

The question of balance

“This metawares that scare you, I’ve dreamed of it since the 1980s,” says Lisbeth. “Large groups like Facebook are making great efforts to make it come true, and many like me will try to work on free and unrestricted versions,” he adds.

To J.C., fan Video Games, Metawares, which is a childhood dream come true: “I will immerse myself in it with enthusiasm. I will fly over the Seven Wonders of the Reconstructed World like Superman. That doesn’t stop him from pressing on from time to time: “The Hills of My
Provence I do not see myself crossing them. Also, there are no Superman tights in hiking boots.

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