There are deities Asteroids Defined Half satellites Because they are always near a planet. Their origin is mysterious, and now scholars have turned their attention to a specific space rock near Earth. about that Camo Oleva It does not move more than 100 times the distance from the moon. New research reveals that this object may have once been part of our satellite and thrown out of it Collision of asteroids.
Camo Oleva, the closest asteroid to Earth
Camo Oleva, originally known as the 2016 H03, was discovered using the PanSTARRS telescope in Hawaii. It is difficult to study because it is only wide 55-60 meters, Its orbit is only partially visible in April, and it can only be seen with very large telescopes. Ben Sharkey of the University of Arizona collected the spectrum of a space object and discovered that it was unlike any other. Asteroid Never seen. According to Communications Earth and Environment Report, at first glance Camo Oleva’s spectrum was like a spectrum.Silicate steroids, But Sharkey and co-authors found that its spectral gradient was clearly inclined towards red when using longer exposure times.
Correspondence between Camo Oleva and the Moon
The authors found that it was only compatible with some of the rocks on its surface, except for comparisons with iron-rich asteroids in particular. Luna. Although scholars point out that there is still insufficient knowledge about the origin of Camo Oleva, others have already been discovered. Meteors Initiated by Luna If vulnerabilities occur, it can be assumed that 2016 H03 may be one of these.
Three small objects with orbits similar to Camo Oleva were discovered last year, all of which are thought to be fragments of a larger asteroid. They are the only ones currently confirmed Five half-satellites, Most of which are Around the circular path Very unstable. Unlike these, Camo Oleva is highly stable and is expected to maintain its semi-satellite status. 300 years.
Many mysteries are hidden in objects moving in space. For example, NASA has discovered two Strange couples Asteroids, another research has discovered a strange element Half asteroid and half a comet In the solar system. Instead, one study speculates that it formed around the center of the earth Alien rock.
Stefania Bernardini
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