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Presented by: Xbox Exclusive External Worlds which is a medieval fantasy |  Xbox One

Presented by: Xbox Exclusive External Worlds which is a medieval fantasy | Xbox One

Absidian will definitely attract attention during its RPG Agreed Will be officially released with the game. In the meantime, new information about it is reaching us today, and this gives us a little more meaning to look forward to from the Xbox exclusive. There are rumors at the moment, but we hope they are credible enough to tell you about them.

The outer worlds are a medieval fantasy

When we first discovered the Avo, it was in July 2020 with a CG trailer. We officially know that this is a roll-flaming game on the pillars of the eternal universe that only comes to the Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S and PC. According to sources Windows Central, Avoned has now passed the pre-production stage and can now play in alpha version.

The first working version of the Apsidian game is on the verge, with many dynamics and game pillars already implemented. I’m not sure how old some of the scenes I saw are, and it’s very old.

Avov also appears to be using a special version of the engine that has already been used External worlds With different classes like Skyrim and two hand warfare.

You can handle two bombs and be a stealth thief or deal with archery with a two-handed bow. You can use a combination of swords and spells or use both hand spells to the fullest, using the most powerful spells and skills in the game.

You might expect, but the pillars of eternal fans will find numerous elements of this universe, such as the magic touch of a sorcerer capable of frying enemies or a two-handed fireball spell. “Arm spells seem to be a great feature, for example enchanted magic swords and frozen arrows.”

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Le Elder Scrolls d’Obsidian

The zoo of the game also incorporates elements of the saga and the sources cite for example Charisma, Wiverns and other tracks. The Elder often has risks compared to scrolls but ultimately stands alone in many ways. For example, fights can be rich and based on the equipment of the players. It is a question of kick, shield and other spells, which can be customized to suit the desired sport style.

Compared to Skyrim and Oblivion, Avo’s plastic represents more of the outer worlds. It is a question of glowing cave mushrooms, lush forests full of large plants and huge temples gleaming with the sun through deep and tombs with many skeletons. The interactivity of the Avot world is much better than that of the Out Worlds, especially with swimming and somewhat destructive environments. For example, it is the question of torches that can burn a restricted entry.

For now, Agreed No release date, but the game can be viewed by E3 2022. Game One Xbox exclusive Last June, Xbox promised to deliver the game Coming soon Will we meet at the Game Awards in December?