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Nintendo Switch: A Resident Evil, Probably "Expression 3" in development

Nintendo Switch: A Resident Evil, Probably “Expression 3” in development

Since its release, Switch has been treated to several Resident Evil games. But each time they were headlines from other consoles sent to the Nintendo engine. According to a new rumor, this situation may change soon.

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As mentioned earlier, Capcom recently hacked its servers, resulting in a lot of confidential information being leaked. The latter, especially the undeclared game titles, are currently in development or are planned by a Japanese publisher. One of these topics, “Citizen evil outrage, “Logically enough for avid fans of the Survival Horror series.

Tusk Golem, who is known for his information, mainly about the Resident Evil games, says he knows what’s behind this project. And he did not notice Restoration Additional information on this topic he provides as a game created with the switch in mind:

I am 100% sure that Anger is the Resident Evil Switch. It may not be called Revelation 3 when it is released, but it’s all sorts, and it’s a game focused on the switch. (It will not be exclusive to the switch, but it will be released everywhere but The switch was the lead base)

Will it change first?

Contrary to some of the worst translations of the leak, Anthi Golem emphasizes it. “Citizen evil outrage“And no”Outbreak of Citizen Evil (3)“.

Resident Evil Revelations is a spin-off series for Resident Evil, which was initially introduced on the Nintendo console via an exclusive episode for 3DS. The latest episode, Resident Evil Revelations 2, was released on 2015 on several consoles as an episodic game. The full adventure was released in November 2017 on the Nintendo Switch.

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Capcom does not hide its intention to release Resident Evil games annually or almost. To fill the gaps between canonical chapters and reissues, a new revelation may be a wise choice.

If the information is confirmed, it is important to remember that this is only a rumor for now, it will be interesting to see what the development of Titra D is. ‘Nintendo first thought of the switch.