In the future, WhatsApp users will have to do without the Messenger function. Like the people in charge of the blog “WABetaInfo“Discovered, the link for Messenger rooms will be removed. These were introduced on WhatsApp just over a year ago and it’s time for users to create a chat room on Facebook with a few clicks from Messenger.
This change should have already reached the first WhatsApp users. Until now, the shortcut to Messenger rooms could be called via the Media Share Button in every chat. You usually use the parentheses next to the send button to send pictures and videos. This option should be removed for Android and iOS users.
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Like many app developers, WhatsApp makers can see which aspects of the app are actually being used. You can be sure that the shortcut for Facebook rooms is not used. It is also conceivable that in the future WhatsApp will offer an alternative here. What is certain is that room users must first create themselves through Facebook.
This time, the people behind WhatsApp are thinking of something else. It was made clear in a recent interview that Messenger will integrate advertising at some point. How the whole thing will look is still a question. But this move will annoy users.
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