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Term Luigian, Spurley did not receive workers' representatives

Term Luigian, Spurley did not receive workers’ representatives

«Sorry for not being able to meet the bath workers’ representatives, In a day already full of organizational responsibilities, I can’t exclude myself. However, I continue to confirm my full availability for mediation. In this regard, in this very difficult moment, I rely only on the general knowledge of those who have to decide what to give up and what to give birth to. These are the words of the Executive Chairman of the Calabria Region, Nino Spurley, Released in a statement this afternoon. The reference refers to the demands of the workers Term Luigiane, Returned to Citadel for the eighteenth time To now quietly protest against the failure to initiate measures leading to collective dismissal. Spurley, however, did not meet them, and despite the long wait of the dense delegation waited a long time for answers under the Veil. After occupying the entrance to the building, In vain waiting for Sperley to relieve himself of his duties, the Sadeka workers were called out by the forces.

Spurley: “ready to intervene”

“When it comes to penetrating the concerns and anxieties of employees – Spirley said – and while recognizing the right to their sacred work, as well as, for many years, I recognize the right to treatment for all entrusted to them. Only I can notice the story., For several months now, the management company The Sadeka Spa, And hot water concession municipalities, Aquabesa e Piedmont Guard. Companies led respectively Francesco Trypsio e Vincenzo Rochetti, Last fall they abruptly decided to reduce the water supply by offering only 12% from the blue, which did not allow a small percentage of Sadeka to continue its operations or a new extension of the contract. The mayors, stubbornly, were looking for a new manager. To date, however, the spa season has been compromised, workers will be laid off, and there is really no light at the end of the tunnel.

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Spurley will take more time

“The good of Calabria, the good of Calabria – the President repeats -, Builders create it; Someone who is not a builder becomes the producer of that evil that, unfortunately, our people have known for a long time. That is why, as the Chairman of the Regional Council, I will involve the Councilors in a clear and firm decision to safeguard the public interest, without extending or justifying these distances. With this further statement, Spurley will take more time before deciding to fix the problem, If he wants, he can do it in a few minutes. As the workers themselves recalled during the peaceful struggle, the Regional Act of November 5, 2009, n. 40, Article 21, allows authorization to be withheld in the event of serious violations by the body.