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De Vulcare Discourse de Donte Aligeri |  Feedback Map

De Vulcare Discourse de Donte Aligeri | Feedback Map

Speech in Valkyrie

Ordinary talk about Donte Dell

Ordinary Speech According to Dante Dell –
Source: Getty-pictures

The Normal speech of Dante Aligeri (Download here Conceptual map) Is a work composed between 1303 and 1304, probably around the same time as Convivio.

Written in Latin, it is an excellent essay on the North and reviews its rhetorical art forms (measurements, style, etc.).

The original project consisted of four books, an analysis of various stylistic positions and possible forms of literary use of the vernacular.

In the XIV chapter of the second book, at the heart of the discussion about the song, Dante interrupts. Comedy.

Valkyrie in Speech: The Book

This proves the nobility of the noble, famous Northern language, which is superior to Latin, which Dante considers an artificial language.

In fact, the vernacular is a natural language that is learned without study from birth.

Dante reconstructs the global history of languages ​​beginning with Adam and Eve.

It analyzes fourteen types of vernaculars based on geography.

The best characters of the famous villains are defined:

  • Explained: Able to give ‘Gandhi’ to those who use it
  • Cardinal: Because this is the cornerstone that all other vulgaris refer to
  • Government: Because if there was a palace in Italy it would find its place
  • Curial: Because it responds to the rules established by the most valuable Italians, which refers to a curia, i.e. a better court, in the absence of an effective court

Valkyrie Speech in the Second Book

He begins to define the possible uses of the famous bad.

Only poets of high culture and ingenuity are qualified to use it and only in the treatment of high themes: Political, lustful and moral.

The most deserving form of the famous bad Song, Metersendecasillabo, Can be replaced with September.

De Vulcarey Eloquensia de Dont Aligeri: CONCEPTUAL MAP

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Commentary diagram on the de Vulcare discourse by Dante Aligeri

Commentary diagram on the de Vulcare discourse by Dante Aligeri

Conceptual map of the Don Valkyrie discourse by Dante Aligeri –
Source: Editorial Board


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