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Poultry farm in Russia: avian influenza virus AH5N8 infected for the first time - knowledge

Poultry farm in Russia: avian influenza virus AH5N8 infected for the first time – knowledge

In Russia, a specific bird flu virus was transmitted to humans for the first time. Anna Bobova, head of the Consumer Protection Agency, told television broadcaster Rosia 24 on Saturday that seven workers on a fat farm in southern Russia had been infected with the AH5N8 virus in December.

There is no evidence yet that the virus has spread among the population. The case was reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) several days ago. Sick workers perform better.

Only bird flu virus H5N1 infections have been known in humans so far. By the end of January, the World Health Organization had registered a total of 239 cases of human infection with VRIS AH5N1 since registration began in 2003. The pathogen is highly contagious to birds. Affected stocks of farm animal chickens should be completely slaughtered and extensively disposed of.

The sixth case of avian influenza occurred in Brandenburg within weeks, it was revealed on Thursday. The Ministry of Consumer Protection in Potsdam has announced the detection of H5N8 virus (bird flu / bird flu) in livestock populations in the Marquich-Otterland district. About 16,600 masters were killed. The subtype H5N8 virus was detected by the Berlin-Brandenburg State Laboratory and confirmed by the Friedrich-Lofler-Institute, the national reference laboratory.

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Consumer Protection Minister Ursula Nonmaker (Green) said he was concerned about the increase in cases. Due to the cold weather of the last two weeks, the wild birds have moved away from the coastal areas inland.

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This is believed to increase the risk of further spread of bird flu. He urged all poultry farmers to be very vigilant. The Brandenburg Poultry Association also appealed to caretakers. Wild birds should be prevented from accessing fodder and litter. There are already lawsuits in Berlin.

Bird flu is recurrent in wild birds and poultry farms. The last major outbreak of avian influenza in Germany and other European countries occurred in the winter of 2016/17. In the Federal Republic of Germany, hundreds of thousands of animals were slaughtered on poultry farms to prevent this action. (Reuters, DPA)