Originally released in 2012, Amalur Kingdom: Calculating is an open-world RPG created by Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, a former leading designer, and THQ chose the Nintendo Switch to do it for a redesigned version of the game called Recalculation. Explore the vast expanses of Amalur wherever you are!
For those who do not know the license, this is a well-filled RPG on the nerve of the Elder Scrolls, and this remake will be released later this year in other media March 16, 2021 on the Nintendo Switch
The game will provide you:
- Extensive writing customization Prepare for battle by choosing different combinations of skills, weapons and armor.
- The structure of the rule Allows you to continue to develop your character according to the way you play
- All DLC was released in the original game, Narosin’s Teeth, Dead Kell and Plus Legend!
- Hundreds of hours of play, Discover the secrets of Amalur by visiting the Robbery Cave Dungeons via the city of Vadir or the Greater Talentard area.
- An in-depth story In a world inspired by fiction created by science fiction writer RA Salvador.
- An open world full of content “More content to be in a single player game!”
- Updated graphics on recalculation
The announcement trailer that comes with the message is here:
In a tweet posted on the game’s official account, THQ Nordic insists that the entire game applies to the cartridge that comes with the physics version of the game:
Both the digital and physical version of the Nintendo Switch version of the Amalur Kingdoms are available: Recalculation. The physics version will have the full game on the cartridge, no downloads required.
Both the digital and physical version of the Nintendo Switch version of the Amalur Kingdoms are available: Recalculation. The physics version will be full game on cartridge, no downloads required. #ReReckoning pic.twitter.com/uWKeF6EPoU
– Kingdoms of Amalur: Recalculation (ekReckoningGame) January 20, 2021
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