Is it still Christmas? Emperor Franz Beckenbauer asked this question in an advertisement at the beginning of the Millennium, and this proverb became famous.
Today, 21 years later, one wants to send this question to two companies whose worst times and the chaos that continues to be produced have become almost proverbial: St. Peter’s Meteorological Center and the Senate Department of Education of Sandra Shirez.
The apostle in charge of the weather must ask himself why he sends the first decent snowfall of the season after the holiday. Chin!
But with man-made climate change he can at least forgive himself – or deny his responsibility. After all, there was no report from him that he was the cause of the weather.
The senator, who is revered only as a monk in small SPD circles, has a hard time. How does he want to explain why the “Learnram Berlin” platform, which has the power to teach more than 100,000 school children and their teachers at home, is taken offline on the last afternoon of the Christmas holidays?
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“There will be a maintenance window from 2:00 pm on Sunday, January 3, 2021 to implement updates on the production system” are the words in the best official German language.
This “maintenance window” must be closed again by 7 a.m. Monday. Otherwise, children can look out of the room window. There should be a little more snow around.
Professional bacon fanatic. Explorer. Avid pop culture expert. Introvert. Amateur web evangelist.
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