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We are suspending website announcements in January, please download our free app to continue them

An important short home care post. For two years now we have had a service called One Signal, which sends push notifications to website users whenever a new article is published in Anglotopia and Londontopia.

We are discontinuing this service from 1 January 2021 for various reasons:

  • Some people really like them
  • They are annoying
  • Users hate them
  • This creates support headaches for us (many will sign up for them and then angrily forget that we are spamming them and send me an email).

The problem is, some Anglodopia readers use them to announce new things when we post them. So, we’re going to change something else.

Download our mobile app for iOS or Android, which is now free. Enable push notifications when you install the app and you will receive notifications whenever we post new articles.

This is the best user experience and can turn off something that doesn’t really work. We will keep notifications until January 1, 2020, after which we will turn them off. Let’s remind everyone a few more times. There are 20,000 people who use Bush announcements, so please get the app, so you don’t miss it!

Details of our application can be found here.