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6G Network: LG achieves first external transfer

6G Network: LG achieves first external transfer

As part of its work on 6G technology, LG is pleased to make great strides in achieving data transfer at terahertz frequencies.

Like Samsung, South Korean LG Future has teams of researchers working on the 6G and Terahertz bands. But Samsung’s first successful experiences include indoor transfers over short distances (approximately fifteen meters), and goes even further by transferring data over 100 m on the LG “6G”.

The amplified transmitter used for this experiment was designed in collaboration with the German Institute Franhofer-Kesselsoft, which specializes in application science and is the inventor of the famous MP3 audio compression format. The challenge for these wave specialists is to succeed in creating stable conditions for transmitting and receiving wireless signals when it is very difficult to build a reliable network with terahertz frequencies over long distances. In fact, at such high spectra, as one travels farther from the transmitter, the signal strength decreases sharply and the waves have a much lower range.

Some technical details, but ambitions

Unfortunately, LG is satisfied with the successful completion of this data transfer without providing further details. While 6G theoretically guarantees 100 times faster speeds than 5G, we do not know what file types or how quickly transfers were made from this experiment. This does not stop researchers from being happy to note that this test brings them closer to functional prototypes at terahertz suitable for the deployment of 6G telecommunications networks.

With a little patience, we are in the first phase of 5G, which is still not clear to most consumers. 5G will have to evolve towards millimeter waves in the coming years, which will be a real technological challenge. So, let’s start considering the 630 in practice, imagining that manufacturers can standardize it before it is marketed in 2030. At that time, we need to browse at 1 Gb / s (current optical fiber speed) on our smartphones.

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