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19th edition of Rendez-vous in gardens in New Aquitaine

19th edition of Rendez-vous in gardens in New Aquitaine

This meeting is a great opportunity to raise public awareness of the effects of climate change on parks and gardens (altered vegetation, changing seasons, the appearance of new parasites, water management, etc.) and to discuss with experts around the process. Implemented to modify horticultural practices for these uprisings.

Their purpose: to raise public awareness about the conservation of biodiversity in our gardens.

Free or guided tours, exhibitions, conferences, debates or even workshops for young people will stop at the 360 ​​gardens that will be open in New Aquitaine during these three days, some of which will be open for the first time or exceptionally.

Meet in the gardens Some of the statistics are:
  • 356 participating gardens, including 231 private gardens, 105 public gardens and 20 community gardens;
  • 58 gardens with notable garden stamp, 38 gardens are preserved as historical monuments;
  • 65 first participants, 69 exceptional openings.

The event allows the Ministry of Culture to share with the public its security, safety and upgrade policy enriched by the establishment of the “Significant Garden” label since 2004.

Download the programI’m in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region and prepare for your next visit:


pdf – 11 MB


Every day, logs continue and some activity develops, do not hesitate to call the gardens or visit the sites before you leave.
Want to register your garden? Record it Rendez-vous aux jardins website!

Practice! From your smartphone, view the database Gardens in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine area are open year-round Provided by the Department, with a list of participating gardens and download access to the Neo-Aquidine Project.

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Press Kit Rendez-vous in 2022 gardens of Nouvelle-Aquitaine :

DP-RDVJ 2022-DRAC Nouvelle-Aquitaine.pdf

pdf – 7 MB


New Aquitaine DRAC Contacts:

Stéphanie BÉRUSSEAU, Garden Correspondent [email protected] – 06 69 70 90 80


Discuss the National Plan Garden Rendezvous website Discover the diversity of gardens!